December 06, 2007

Lyrical Terrorism

The Lyrical Terrorist, Samina Malik, has been found guilty. I would have prefered that the case be laughed out of court, as to claim that bad poetry is terrorism is laughable. I am not happy that she was convicted. I am certainly not happy that a law that leads to cases like this exists at all. But it could have been worse, at least she is not going to prison. Though the prospect of being sent to prison does still hang over her should her muse strike again. Should she end up in jail over this anyway I would sign a petition for her release as was suggest in the comments to my previous post on the subject.

As part of the punishment for writing down her naughty thoughts she must do 12 months community service, one can only hope that it will not be giving poetry classes. If she does then perhaps she should direct students to Clattery Machinery which challanges everybody to challange these thought crimes by terrorizing your lyrics. So here is my bad poetry in honour of The Lyrical Terrorist:

Black and Decker drill,
vice, saw, rope, knife, translator.
Are they but mere tools?


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